Sentimental September

These past few weeks have been by far my favourite. I’m in a gooey bubble of love and I don’t want it to ever stop.

I’ve had the privilege of getting to know my little Pip, but I’ve also been grieving as of late because she’s growing up so quickly.

People warn you that it goes by in a flash but you just don’t realise how fast those newborn weeks go, and before you know it the person you once knew, is changing and developing their little personality. This is also a beautiful thing to witness but it still doesn’t make it easier to process.

With the time my husband has had off we have tried to make the most of every moment. From finger painting, to spending time outdoors, to meeting lots of new people, and a day at the bay. Don’t worry, we’ve definitely had our fair share of home days too and they’re some of my most treasured. I can confidently say that I could (and have) watch her for hours on end.

I love my new life as a family of three and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us.

What have been some of your best moments this past month? Let me know in the comments.

Bee paintings for Pips nursery.
Family picnic outings.
Making memories.
Day at the bay with bae.
Family kisses.
T2 and bees, my fave.
Caught this cutie at a ‘wild’ hens.
The centre of our universe.
Cuddles with my little honey.
Bay day.



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